Math for the Creatives

Grade 8 transitional math curriculum for creative minds to be prepared for grade 9 math!

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Math is too hard and it ‘s just not for me

You attend class, take notes, do the homework and ask questions. However, when it comes to taking the test you freeze or it comes back with a grade you weren’t expecting. So to work on getting a better grade, you ask your friends for help, seek extra support from your teacher (even when it is during your spare time) and get the additional aid from an external tutor. Yet again, after the re-take test you only barely were able to pass the exam.

You have been vulnerable and asked for help.

You have failed, but you didn’t allow it to phase you.

You understand that you may learn differently and tried different approaches, but when you have tried it all and still don’t succeed like everyone else you decide that math just isn’t for you. 

But that’s not true, it’s not that math isn’t for you, conventional math isn’t for you because you are a creative mind.

Are you a Creative Mind?

There are 5 main characteristics that help identify if you are a creative.

  1. Risk Takers – You are eager and excited to take up a project with high risk potential rather than going through routine tasks they considered as mundane. 
  2. Dare to Fail Attitude – Failure for you is a learning curve. You learn from all the mistakes made and the mistakes actually stimulate a higher sense of curiosity in you.
  3. Willing to be Different – What people think of you is not really a matter of concern as you have a very clear objective in life.
  4. Choose to become a Divergent – You think outside the box where they see opportunities and solutions from all sorts of angles also highly curious and inquisitive.
  5. Impulsive, fickle and quickly changes mind – You tend to make impulsive decisions in accordance to your own way of thinking, which is then misunderstood by many and interpreted as ‘not having a stand’.
Sticky note

Being a creative and learning math in the traditional way would only set you up to fail.

This is why we have created a course that prepares you for Grade 9 while in grade 8 so that you can transition into grade 9 with confidence!

Grade 9 Prep

Transitional Grade 9 Math Program

When you enroll in one of our courses, you will learn how your culture connects to the course subject. You will also receive one-on-one support to develop learning strategies that will help them beyond our classroom walls. 
You will have the opportunity to move ahead of your peers and learn how your grade 8 knowledge is implemented towards the grade 9 curriculum.
Once you have enrolled in our course, you will be immersed in an environment that validates your cultural identity while empowering you to reach their full academic potential!
You deserve an education that makes you feel respected and appreciated.
So join us today to make the transition that much easier!


Created and taught by high school teachers who have an understanding of the grade 9 curriculum and know the strategies needed for creatives to excel in their high school careers. Math shouldn’t be hard and we’ll help you see the potential, one course at a time!

Registering now!

At Roots to Routes Academy

We have a high school credit course that is built for us. We offer a Grade 9 Mathematics course with a global curriculum focused on cultural literacy, where all students will learn and receive materials that teach them more about themselves and the world. Our teachers are not only OCT certified, but they reflect the population that they serve. We believe that by creating the space for students to celebrate their uniqueness, students will feel empowered to create change in the world.

If you are interested in our courses and would like to learn more, please pencil in a 30 minute call that works best for you. We would be honoured to hear your story and to learn how to celebrate your child!    

To hear more about our founder’s journey on navigating the education system, her insight as a Black teacher, and as an advocate for her students, listen to our podcast, More Than Just A School on Spotify or through our website here

Let’s create change, one course at a time!

With love, 

Ramya Selladurai

Co-founder of Roots to Routes Academy


Sign up for a webinar to get more information on how to sign up for our program. 

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