Grade 10 Math


Grade 10 math MPM2D are offered to be Grade 9 and 10 students to ensure all students can pursue mathematics as a pathway to diverse careers. Our inclusive approach integrates deep understanding of math with global cultural perspectives, offering French Immersion options for bilingual studies.

Grade 9 Math
Grade 10 Math


Course Code



Grade 9 Math MTH1W

Course Type


Language of Study

English or French

Long Description

Grade 10 math MPM2D was de-streamed in September 2021 to ensure that all students have the opportunity to choose mathematics as a pathway to future careers. In our in-person and online classes, students will develop a profound understanding of mathematical concepts and how it relates to the world. It is important for us to learn about mathematics in a way that highlights African culture and the contributions of all cultural communities around the world. In doing this, our students will begin to view math as a space in which they belong. Our de-streamed course is for all Grade 10 students. This course is available to both Grade 9 and 10 students. French Immersion students can opt to take the course in French to obtain a French credit towards their Certificate of Bilingual Studies.

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